Judicial Commission Board

The governing body of the Commission is the Board of the Judicial Commission of Victoria. The Board consists of 6 judicial Board members and 4 Board members appointed by the Governor in Council.

Board Members

The Honourable Justice Richard Niall (Chairperson)
Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Victoria

The Honourable Justice Peter Kidd
Chief Judge, County Court of Victoria

The Honourable Justice Lisa Hannan
Chief Magistrate, Magistrates’ Court of Victoria

The Honourable Justice Ted Woodward
President, Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT)

His Honour Judge Jack Vandersteen
President, Children’s Court of Victoria

His Honour Judge John Cain
State Coroner, Coroners Court of Victoria

Mr Graham Atkinson
Non-judicial member.
Appointed 19 July 2022 (further 5 year term)

Ms Claire Keating
Non-judicial member.
Appointed 19 July 2022 (further 5 year term)

Dr Helen Szoke AO
Non-judicial member.
Appointed 26 March 2024 (further 5 year term)

Director of the Judicial Commission

Appointment of the Director 

The Director is appointed by the Chief Executive Officer of Court Services Victoria on the recommendation of the Board under section 128(1) of the Judicial Commission of Victoria Act 2016.

The Director reports to the Board in relation to complaint investigations and the operation of the Commission. The Director is also responsible for the administration of the Commission.

Director - Alexis Eddy

Alexis was appointed Director in October 2019. Before commencing her role at the Commission, she was head of legal and compliance at the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission. Prior to that Alexis worked as a prosecutor, policy officer and in private practice. Alexis has also worked as a not-for- profit board member. Alexis has an expert understanding of the Victorian integrity regime, best practice policies and procedures and has a depth of knowledge and expertise across the justice system. Alexis is passionate about leading an organisation which acts transparently, impartially, impactfully and with integrity. Those values lay the foundation for the behaviour expected of the Commission and its staff.

Strategic Direction

In October 2022, the Commission launched its 2022-24 Strategic Plan.

The Strategic Plan sets out the Commission’s vision: to ensure that public confidence and trust in the Victorian courts and VCAT is maintained. The Plan builds on the Commission’s values of transparency, impartiality, integrity, and impact. It is designed to capture an ambitious and achievable strategic direction to steer the Commission’s operations and to guide the Board.

The Commission will soon commence work on the development of its 2025-27 Strategic Plan.

Annual Report

To access recent Annual Reports published by the Commission, please visit our our Annual Reports page. 


To find out about the laws that guide us, please visit our Legislation page.


To find out about policies that guide our processes, practices, and decision-making, please visit our Policies page. 


To find key statistics about how we handled complaints in the last financial year, please visit our Statistics page. 


Email:                          enquiries@judicialcommission.vic.gov.au

Media:                         media@judicialcommission.vic.gov.au

Phone number:           (03) 9084 9600

Postal address:           GPO Box 4305, Melbourne VIC 3001