Check if we can investigate your complaint


Before you start

Prepare as many details of your complaint as you can. If you submit your complaint in the portal, you’ll need to provide:

  • The name of the person you are complaining about.
  • The name of the court that handled the matter.
  • The case number of the relevant proceeding.
  • The date(s) your complaint happened.
  • A summary of what happened, including specific examples of what the person said or did and to who.

If you submit your complaint in the portal, you’ll need to provide:

  • Your name
  • Your contact details

Your complaint will not be anonymous. We may share its details, including your name, with the person you’re complaining about. We do this to notify them that a complaint has been made against them, and to give them a chance to respond.

If you’re having trouble with this form, you can contact us to get help.

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