Outcome of Investigating Panel investigation into Complaint about the Conduct of Judge Sara Hinchey

27 August 2019


An investigating panel appointed by the Judicial Commission of Victoria (the Commission) has considered an allegation concerning the conduct of State Coroner, Her Honour Judge Sara Hinchey and, after careful deliberation, has dismissed the allegation.

In accordance with the Judicial Commission of Victoria Act 2016 (the Act), the investigating panel considered an allegation concerning the alleged removal by Her Honour Judge Hinchey of alcohol purchased using Coroners Court funds for personal use. The allegation was dismissed as there was no evidence to support it.

The investigating panel, comprising two former Victorian judges (one from the County Court and one from the Court of Appeal) and one member of the community appointed on the recommendation of the Victorian Attorney-General, dismissed the allegation after carefully considering the evidence of relevant witnesses, documents produced, responding material from Her Honour Judge Hinchey and submissions.

As such, the Commission’s consideration of the complaint received regarding Her Honour Judge Hinchey’s conduct has now concluded.

Her Honour Judge Hinchey, the Honourable Chief Judge Kidd (who is Her Honour Judge Hinchey’s head of jurisdiction), the complainants and the Victorian Attorney-General have been informed of this outcome.

The Commission has no jurisdiction under the Act to determine whether or not Her Honour Judge Hinchey returns to her role as State Coroner. That is a matter entirely for Her Honour Judge Hinchey.

The Commission does not intend to comment further.


Judicial Commission of Victoria 

Ph: 03 9084 9604 or 

Email: enquiries@judicialcommission.vic.gov.au

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Judicial Commission of Victoria media statement on Judge Hinchey- 27 August 2019

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