Zero Tolerance Policy

The Judicial Commission of Victoria values and prioritises the well-being of all staff and stakeholders in all our communications. We expect everyone to be treated with respect

How we expect you to communicate with us:

  • Listen to your enquiry. 
  • Be courteous and helpful; and 
  • Give you information to assist you with your enquiries, where possible. 

Any aggressive or abusive behaviour towards our staff will not be tolerated under any circumstances.


How we respond to inappropriate behaviour during phone calls:

  1. We will ask you to stop the behaviour. 
  2. We will warn you that the phone call will be terminated if you continue. 
  3. If you continue after the warning, we will end the phone call. 

If you behave in any way that makes our staff members feel uncomfortable or causes them distress either via written or verbal communication, the Commission may implement a communications strategy1 regarding any future communication with you. 

Any threats of violence, harassment, abuse, or threats to safety towards Commission employees may be reported to the police.


1 A communications strategy is a tailored plan for communicating with you, including how, when, and who you may communicate with.

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Zero Tolerance Policy

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